Bloody Mary In The Sky

There’s drink service before meals on international flights. What do you ask for? I almost always get a Bloody Mary.

You know Bloody Marys – ice in a tall glass, tomato juice cut with vodka, a drop of Lee and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, and a squeeze of lemon. I could go on forever about all the extra details, but that’s the gist.

The thing is, I don’t even like them that much. Come to think of it, I’ve never ordered one outside of an airplane. I get it because flying internationally is a big deal and ordinary drinks like beer or whiskey don’t feel special enough for the occasion. It calls for something more festive.

At the same time, airlines don’t specialize in cocktails, and there’s no way you’re getting a delicious vodka gimlet, dry martini, or other drink that requires a skilled hand. A Bloody Mary is the ultimate compromise. It’s nothing too fussy – vodka and tomato juice.

Don’t get me wrong, you can still screw it up. There’s a huge range of Bloody Mary quality you’ll find on different airlines:

A Rank: A proper mix of vodka and tomato juice and a healthy amount of ice in a large glass. A nice kick of Worcestershire. This type of Bloody Mary puts me in good spirits. I don’t care how much longer we’re in the air. (That’s a lie)

B Rank: They bring you a tiny bottle of vodka and a can of Bloody Mary mix and tell you to mix it the way you like it. It’s a little annoying, and mixing them together on the little tray table isn’t the easiest, but I can get the proportions I like so I guess it’s fine.

The absolute worst, like the kind a certain airlines serves, is C Rank. The mix is all off (way too much vodka, almost no tomato juice), and to make things worse the ice is all melted and the drink is watery (probably because it sits for so long between mixing and serving). It’s handed over to you with the unfriendliest grunt of a “Here you go, take it,” and I think to myself, “I’m never flying this airline ever again.” I shouldn’t get so worked up, it’s just a Bloody Mary.

So if you’re in charge of an airline, please serve tastier Bloody Mary’s, ok? For my sake? It’s enough to put me in a good mood, and it’s all I remember about your airline after the flight.