I was running late to an important meeting, so as I biked I frantically fired off the following e-mail:
The next day I checked my outbox and saw that I had actually sent this:
SEEMS LIKE I’M becoming STRIPEY makes no sense, but m(_ _)m turning into (≦ヮ ≧ ) made me want to crawl into a hole and die.
-From “Verbal Goofs“
「遅れてしまいそうですm(_ _)m」と。後日、送信ボックスを整理していると、
「遅れてしましましう(≦ヮ ≧ )」というメールが!!!
「m(_ _)m」➞「(≦ヮ ≧ )」 のまつがいは致命傷だっ!